The Worried Student's Guide to Dealing with Academic Misconduct Allegations
Everything you need to know to deal effectively with allegations of academic misconduct or malpractice
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If you have been accused of academic misconduct by your university, this is the course for you. It covers all aspects of the process, from initial steps to an appeal. It distills in 6 short videos the experiences of several hundred students who have been in the same situation as you are, teaching you what works and what doesn't and identifying the many pitfalls to avoid. Whether it's suspected plagiarism, collusion, buying an essay or other forms of malpractice, allegations of academic misconduct are serious and stressful. They can damage a student's degree and affect future employment prospects. It is crucial for students accused of misconduct to learn how to handle them competently and effectively. This unique course teaches students how to achieve this in a step-by-step manner, with practical examples.
Your Instructor
Daniel Sokol, PhD, is an expert in academic misconduct. He was formerly a Lecturer and Honorary Senior Lecturer at various universities in the UK and now practises as a lawyer specialising in higher education law. In 2011, he founded Alpha Academic Appeals, an organisation helping students accused of academic misconduct.
Course Curriculum
StartLecture 1: The Allegation Letter and First Steps (4:42)
StartLecture 2: Researching the Allegation (8:32)
StartLecture 3: Writing Your Statement (8:38)
StartLecture 4: Preparing for the Meeting/Hearing (5:16)
StartLecture 5: The Meeting/Hearing (3:04)
StartLecture 6: Appealing the Outcome (2:20)